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  • Writer's pictureTiffany Silva

Are you smart enough to beat the test?

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

solve the brain teasers
Solve the brain teasers

The accepted definition of intelligence is the ability to gain and apply knowledge and skills appropriately. Although this is the case, intelligence is also the ability to adapt to any changes happening in the surrounding, to think logically, self-awareness, constant learning. It can be measured by verbal fluency, logical thinking, common sense, creativity, openness to experience, lack of bias, and also sensitivity to own limitations. To add to this, intelligence is something you're born with which can be acquired by constant learning as well.

There are numerous methods to measure your intelligence and one of them is testing your intelligence by a series of questions. Despite this, it is now popularly accepted that mathematical, verbal, reasoning intelligence are not the only factors that come to play in the journey to success. Creativity, artistic skills, personal skills such as compassion and ambition will lead to success as well although the IQ level is low. Due to this, there are new tests such as Creative quotient, emotional quotient is similarly or more important that just intelligence quotient measurement.

Another aspect to consider is that high intelligence is not similar to having a good memory. It is a type of intelligence that will help in academic success despite having a low intelligence level. Despite the huge capacity of the brain, people tend to use only 2% of the brainpower. Therefore, we all have the potential to expand our brain power through learning and practicing. By doing this, we can make strong connections between our nerve cells which will result in improved mental and physical long-term health as well.

The following set of questions is put together to test several intelligence categories such as spatial, verbal, logical, creative, and numerical intelligence.

  • Spatial Intelligence- Spatial ability is referred to as the ability to understand and identify geometric forms, patterns, and meanings.

  • Verbal Intelligence- Verbal ability to understand, analyze, and use words appropriately. The proper use of grammar, spelling, the meaning of words, synonyms, and antonyms.

  • Logical Reasoning- The ability to go by principles of argument and valid reasoning. Being logical is being deductive and analytical which means if someone is capable of reasoning, in an orderly valid manner then the person is said to have logical reasoning ability.

  • Creative Intelligence- Creativity is said to be the mental processes that lead to unique ideas, solutions, theories, concepts, or products. Creativity includes imagination, lateral thinking, and problem-solving as well.

  • Numerical Intelligence- Numerical ability a person has to deal with numbers. The proper use of mental arithmetic, logical reasoning, and number sequences.

Now that we have a proper understanding of the different categories under intelligence. Let’s try to beat the test!



57439 is to 1612

and 89117 is to 188

and 34125 is to 87

therefore 76347 is to _______?

Q2. Which of these groups of letters is the odd one out?



Q3. Identify the pattern and find the missing numbers.

145, 140, ?, 124, 113, ?, 85, 68

Q4. Select the odd option from the following.

Q5. From the following set of words select two words that are synonyms, plus an antonym of these two synonyms.

excuse, regulate, bestow, condone, concede, condemn, incarcerate

Q6. continue is to resume as continuous is to:

perseverance, unbroken, everlasting, repetition, persist

Q7. Select the odd one from the following set of words.

obliquely, laterally, sideways, crabwise, orbicular

Q8. The passage below has had 15 words removed which are listed randomly below the passage. Fill in the 15 words correctly into each passage and reconstruct the passage.

Just as the __________________ (1) __________________ (2) was half-way through

__________________ (3) his most __________________ (4) and difficult __________________ (5), the __________________ (6) thing that could have happened did, and all hell was let loose as Ben __________________ (7) a cat through the dining room __________________ (8). Apart from almost barking the house down and __________________ (9) drowning out the second half of the question, Ben __________________ (10) across the dining room in a __________________ (11) blur before throwing __________________ (12) against the __________________ (13) door with a __________________ (14) __________________ (15).

Window question himself sickening hapless involved worst saw shot crash asking interviewer totally brown kitchen

Q9. Spell out a nine-letter word from the following puzzle by starting at one of the four corner letters and spiral clockwise round the perimeter, finishing at the center letter and you must find the missing letters too.

Q10. What is 3/4 of 92 plus 13?

Q11. A B C D E F G H What letter is immediately to the left of the letter which is two to the left of the letter that comes midway between the letter two to the right of the letter F and the letter two to the left of the letter D?

Q12. Moriarty is twice as old as Sherlock was when Moriarty was as old as Sherlock is now. The combined age of Moriarty and Sherlock is 112 years. How old are Moriarty and Sherlock now?

Q13. Ruffnut celebrates her birthday today. After two days, her twin brother Tuffnut celebrates his birthday. How is this possible?









What day comes three days after the day which comes two days after the day which comes immediately after the day which comes two days after Monday?

Q15. When the below is folded to form a cubic object, what is the only cubic pattern that can be produced?

Q16. A nut is tightened on a screwed bolt and you are having difficulty unscrewing it. Select the most effective way to free it.

  1. cool it

  2. submerge it in warm water

  3. heat it

  4. none of the above

Q17. From the list of words given below, select the two words with the closest meaning.

delegate, advise, identify, recruit, adjust, mobilise

Q18. Five suspects, one of whom is the guilty party, are being interrogated by the police. Find the guilty party if only three of the following statements are correct.

Number 1: ‘Number 4 did it.’

Number 2: ‘It wasn’t me.’

Number 3: ‘Number 5 is innocent.’

Number 4: ‘Number 1 is lying when he accuses me.’

Number 5: ‘Number 2 is telling the truth.’

Q19. look at the figure below. Identify the content in the image.

Q20. Many hundreds of years ago a thief was charged with treason against a Roman emperor and sentenced to death. But the emperor felt a bit merciful and asked the man how he would like to die. How did the man choose to die?

I’m so glad that you reached the end of the test. Comment your answers below and let’s see if you beat the test. Thank you for taking the test and stay tuned for more brain teasers to beat and test your intelligence.

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